Thursday, 21 November 2019

Are refugees from middle east dangerous?

Are refugees from the middle east dangerous?

while observing a certain number of refugees in Germany and the Netherlands  we found that there are many reasons to take in consideration in the judgment whether the refugees are good potentials or dangerous:

1- religious backgrounds of refugees:

Refugees in Europe are mostly from Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. looking at the background of these refugees and check whether they are dangerous or not. first, the societies of these refugees are very conservative and religious whether they are Muslims or Christian.
many incidents happened in the past years showed that these refugees are not willing to intergrade easily in European societies.
If you want to meet refugees you will do it either by meeting them face to face or what researches show in particular which are done by very lift or progressive scholar. those scholars are doing quantitative or qualitative researches and to conduct these kinds of research you need to either interviews or surveys and mainly who patriciate in them are refugees with good educations who speak English or other language and they show a willingness to participate in the society. the rest of the refugees who are not seen whether they are women or men, this category are very difficult to reach or to communicate with for different reasons like language barriers or not being seen and have no connection with whom conducting the research.
so the real image of how are the refugees doing is not fully represented in those kinds of research.
second, the media, here you may see some refugees either in European media or in American media. these kinds of reports are completely depending on the political background of the tv or newspapers. if the media is more right-wing politically then you will see some shit, but if it is left-wing, you will hear only about the success stories of refugees.
It is difficult for Europeans or Americans to understand how the refugee communities are functioning. In Germany, Sweden, Netherlands or in other western countries, refugees are building up parallel societies in the shade that will make it difficult to integrate.

2- population rate of refugees :

 Refugees in Europe have a high population rate, it is enough to know that Syrian's population was  16 million in 1994 and 23 million in 2010 before the war.

3- Education level of refugees in Europe: 

The education level of refugees is misconceived with a European education system. many refugees claim that they are highly educated like Syrians or Iraqis, but in fact, if you look at the university levels there you will immediately understand the real level of education plus their studies are mainly in the Arabic language and far from practice. on the other hand, it is fair to say there are refugees who are really well educated or they are showing their motivation to pursue further education.

4- refugees values vs European values: 

Here is a big discussion among refugees about accepting the new cultures or refusing the European cultures, in different refugee communities in Europe the majority are resisting the European values for instance: equality between women and men. Many crimes occurred in the past few years in Germany and the Netherlands against women, wives by their families or husbands.
This blog based on real observation and studies took by refugees themselves.

Saturday, 21 September 2019

Refugee in Germany and Culture

The number of Refugees in Germany is much higher than any other European country.
The german culture is completely different than the culture from the refugees come from.
Many events showed that some refugees behaved very well  and they kept an eye on what the public can say. Some of the asylum seekers who came from North Africa are very different than the one who came from middle east. Some Moroccan, Algerian  or Tunisian asylum seekers have involved in crimes or disturbances accidents.

Refugees in Netherlands and policy

It is not sure yet what is the political choices for these refugees. But most of Syrians refugees are in favor of the Turkish president Erdogan. And they will be influenced by his agenda.
The vulnerability with these refugees is very high.

Refugees in Netherlands and Work

Refugees in Netherlands

In the Netherlands the refugees are more able to integrate in big cities than in small cities or villages.
Generally the big cities in Netherlands are more divers in term of population than small cities.
What happens usually is the opportunities are more and reachable by refugees.
Some refugees refuse working in jobs like logistics and hotel service. Most of refugees want to work behind computers and on desks. That is contradiction to what they work in Turkey or in Greece.

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Refugee insider

refugee insider is informative website around refugees not only in Europe but also in all over the world

Monday, 16 September 2019

my neighbor is refugee and he seems integrated?

what do you mean by integration, is it one of main pillars of integration?
● Linguistic integration
● Integration of school children
● Economic integration
● Provision of a clear path to citizenship
● Civic integration


should I volunteer to help refugees?

This is completely up to your personal assessment of your time and to the situation.

Considering Helping Refugees as a Volunteer?
Consider these questions before you do:

1. Do you have the necessary skills and experience?
In some cases, “all hands on deck” is a great motto. But in an environment where refugees are flooding a camp or are settling in a country, specific skills are necessary. First of all, you need to be able to communicate. Do you speak the local language or the language of the refugees you will be helping? If not, are translation services easily available or will it be too complicated for the host organization to provide proper communication? Secondly, what kind of services can you provide? Maybe you are health specialist, or can help with building, have language skills, are a great teacher, etc. Identify what the needs are and see where you best fit in.
2. Where can you help?
On the other hand, consider where your help is needed most. Is it at home or on the ground at a camp or on a border? Some countries are receiving many refugees daily, so they need volunteers to help them with the settlement process. Alternatively, refugee camps are usually in need of support, but sometimes, only in specific areas. At the same time, are you available to travel abroad to volunteer with refugees, or do you prefer to help from home? Here is a list of just some of the organizations which offer international volunteer projects. You can find many more compassionate organizations through Google, or our Focus on NGO articles.
3. How much support will you need?
This is an essential question. Are you self-sufficient enough to volunteer? Volunteering with refugees is not easy. You will witness a lot of hardship and need plenty of cultural sensitivity. Do you already have the skills to cope with this? Are you prepared to interact with a new culture without imposing judgment? Additionally, consider what the organization you want to volunteer can provide and what you need. For example, if you choose to work in a refugee camp, the conditions may be very basic.
4. Are you ready to commit?
Volunteering may not be paid, but it is a commitment. There are people who will count on you. So, are you ready to make a commitment for the necessary time investment that it will take? For example, if you are going to go to a refugee camp, your host organization will need to provide training and mentorship. It will take time to adjust and be part of the camp’s routine. Are you willing to go for sufficient time for this to happen?
After reviewing these questions, do you still feel like you are ready to volunteer with refugees? If so, read about the types of opportunities that exist in the next few days.


Why some Dutch or european are converting to Islam?

1- Despite being negatively presented in the media and elsewhere, Islam has won thousands of new followers in many European countries. Although many would stereotypically associate jihadist terrorists as Arabs or South Asians, European converts have actually participated in most terrorist plots and actual attacks that have taken place on European soil since 9/11.
While at least 40 European converts have turned into jihadist terrorists, a much larger number of them have been mobilized around Islamic issues. Being familiar with the political culture and system of government of their own countries, many converts have been involved in Islamic activism, defending Muslim rights and in some cases propagating Islamist messages. Having diverse agendas, organizations which are run by converts cannot be treated as a monolithic world. The IPB and the FIS have been outright Islamist groups, whereas AOBM, IBS, and AMG have mostly focused on social, religious and cultural issues.

2- Joram van Klaveren was an MP from 2010 until 2017 for the far-right Party for Freedom (PVV) led by anti-Islam and anti-immigration firebrand Geert Wilders. Mr van Klaveren once fiercely advocated Mr Wilders' policies of banning the Koran and closing down mosques.
However, he has now said that he discovered out he had more in common with Islam than he initially thought when he started research for a book criticising the religion, which caused him to completely change his view.
Mr van Klaveren said: "I looked at the Bible on my bookshelf, on the table were books about the Prophet Muhammad.
"The prior years I had a big aversion to Islam. When you then have to conclude that you were wrong, it is not a fun moment. But while searching for God I always felt a certain unease. And that slowly disappeared. It felt a bit like coming home in a religious way."
For seven years Joram van Klaveren fought a relentless campaign in the Lower House against Islam in the Netherlands
Geert Wilders, right, has become notorious for his anti-Islam policies  CREDIT: MARTIJN BEEKMAN / ANP / AFP
Mr van Klaveren, who grew up in a reformed protestant family, said he is "very sorry that he contributed to giving people a false image about Islam".
He said that the manuscript of the Islam-critical book he initially planned to write has since been thrown into the bin and will be replaced by a book in which he will counter the arguments of critics of Islam.
Mr van Klaveren said that the analysis which he made as a far-Right MP that most problems in the country and the world can be blamed on Islam were false.
He said: "That was just the policy of the Party for Freedom: everything which was not right had to be linked one way or another to Islam."
Mr van Klaveren said he "did not suddenly become a Lefty" and that his conversion is purely a personal religious matter.

3-In France, estimates suggest approximately 50,000 to 100,000 converts out of a population of three to four million Muslims. For details, see Mapping the Global Muslim Population (Washington, D.C.: Pew Research Center, 2009). In 2006, there were 850,000 Muslims in the Netherlands, including 12,000 converts. For details, see “More than 850 Thousand Muslims in the Netherlands,” Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, October 27, 2007. In Germany, the estimated number of converts ranges from 12,000 to 100,000, with the total Muslim population set at around three million. For details, see Johannes Kandel, “Organisierter Islam in Deutschland und gesellschaftliche Integration,” Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, September 2004. In Great Britain, there were about 63,000 native converts out of a population of 1.6 million Muslims in the early 2000s. For details, see the 2001 Census completed by the Office for National Statistics. Their numbers, however, must have increased because the Muslim population as a whole reached 2.4 million in 2009. For details, see Richard Kerbaj, “Muslim Population Rising 10 Times Faster Than Rest of Society,” The Times, January 30, 2009. Spain has an estimated 800,000 Muslims, roughly 20,000 of whom are converts. For details, see Geoff Pingree and Lisa Abend, “In Spain, Dismay at Muslim Converts Holding Sway,” Christian Science Monitor, November 7, 2006

should Europe worry from the refugees?

Britain and the rest of the European Union are ignoring a demographic time bomb: a recent rush into the EU by migrants, including millions of Muslims, will change the continent beyond recognition over the next two decades, and almost no policy-makers are talking about it.
The numbers are startling. Only 3.2 per cent of Spain's population was foreign-born in 1998. In 2007 it was 13.4 per cent. Europe's Muslim population has more than doubled in the past 30 years and will have doubled again by 2015. In Brussels, the top seven baby boys' names recently were Mohamed, Adam, Rayan, Ayoub, Mehdi, Amine and Hamza.
Europe's low white birth rate, coupled with faster multiplying migrants, will change fundamentally what we take to mean by European culture and society. The altered population mix has far-reaching implications for education, housing, welfare, labour, the arts and everything in between. It could have a critical impact on foreign policy: a study was submitted to the US Air Force on how America's relationship with Europe might evolve. Yet EU officials admit that these issues are not receiving the attention they deserve.
Jerome Vignon, the director for employment and social affairs at the European Commission, said that the focus of those running the EU had been on asylum seekers and the control of migration rather than the integration of those already in the bloc. "It has certainly been underestimated - there is a general rhetoric that social integration of migrants should be given as much importance as monitoring the inflow of migrants." But, he said, the rhetoric had rarely led to policy.
The countries of the EU have long histories of welcoming migrants, but in recent years two significant trends have emerged. Migrants have come increasingly from outside developed economies, and they have come in accelerating numbers..


Who is fighting in Syria?

syrian population is very divers. Big part of the population is sunni muslim 70 percent. Christian 11 percent and alewives are 11 percent. These percentages are estimation because no official numbers from any source but we estimate that in stria by calculating the population of the cities and knowing the majority in each city.
Bashar Assad belongs to Alewives  and he is supported by christian and other minorities. In 2011 the demonstration in syria was mainly in sunni cities or by sunni people. Big part of the leaders in the army is managed by alewives as well as christian and sunni. But the media and the external factors represented by big sunni countries like turkey and qatar or saudia arabi took big part in this war at the begining and they supported strongly military. In the same time the regime was heavily supported by iran, hizbullah and russia.

Who are these refugees in Germany and Netherlands?

In the past few years more than million people have entered Europe from different countries in the middle east. Mainstream were from Syria and Iraq.
The question is, do they really deserve to be refugees?
Some of them for sure already lost there houses and their jobs in back-home.
But what about their culture and their costumes? Do they accept to be like europeans?
Well so to say, some of them have possibilities to integrate but mainly the big part will have difficulties to integrate. Do we know why? Well of course we know. Look at the previous muslim migrants in Netherlands and Germany, they are poorly integrated and they are gaining power to change the system for their favor.
How can we face our fears from being invaded or changed?
Firtsly the right wing might not be the solution either the left wing who claim to thing in progressive way. But if we zoom in more we see how these so called activists are supporting directly and indirectly peopel of migrant background to gain expectations